Monday, September 5, 2011

Blog #5 / Feature Story

Warm up – I have a very funny family. Every time I see them they make me laugh. My family loves to eat.
Hey, we are going to be talking about chameleons. A chameleon can make a great pet.  They need a great amount  of attention and care.   If you are loud person or like like music chameleons are not the best pet for you. Chameleons like a really quiet atmosphere

 They  are one of the most beautiful and unique looking reptiles in the animal kingdom. Chameleons eat by shooting out their  long and sticky tongue.  This is really cool to see. They have binocular vision when scoping out their meals.  Chameleons like their habitat hot and humid.  The temperature for their cage should be between 80 to 90 degrees. Their  cage should also be misted with water 3 to 4 times a day in order to create humidity. You would want to clean your chameleon’s cage two to three times every month. Be careful when cleaning or misting their cage. 

They often times fall when frightened. Chameleons  have the ability to change color when they are frightened, mad, hungry, sleepy, or when they want to warm up or  cool down. When chameleons are fully grown they need a screened enclosure. When they are babies they do not need a screened cage. When keeping a chameleon make sure to purchase miscellaneous types of bugs. The variety is good for their diet.  Fully grown chameleons will eat 20 or more crickets a day. Babies will eat about 6 crickets each day. Other insects they enjoy are mill worms and butter worms.

 When attempting to pick up a Chameleon by the tail, be extremely careful and . Their tail is like another leg to them and can be . Their feet are little grabbers that have two or three little toes that work in conjunction with their tail when moving from branch to branch.  Their enclosure should have plenty of plants and branches in it.  If you put a plant in your chameleon’s cage make sure it is not poisonous because the chameleon will eat the plant and die. 

A Chameleon needs to be taken out of their enclosure from time to time. Bring them outside on a warm sunny day.  Any chameleon will bite when threatened, so before taking them out of their cage.  Be sure  not to get your chameleon stressed out. Stressing out your chameleon could cause it to die. Think of a chameleon as an art display you can look but you cannot touch. A chameleon’s eyes can move in two different directions at the same time. A female chameleon does not have to mate in order to produce and lay eggs. However without mating  the eggs are not fertilized, which means nothing is in the egg. There are several different types of chameleons.  The smallest chameleon is the Pigmy Chameleon. They grow  2 to 3 inches in length

They largest chameleon is the Parson chameleon.  It grows 27.75 inches. The chameleon with three horns on its head is the the Jackson chameleon. It uses its horns for battling other chameleons.  

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