Monday, December 19, 2011

High coffee
One of the most expensive coffees in the world is known has Kopi Lawak. The coffee gets its name and taste form the Civet.  A civet is a nocturnal furry long tailed cat like animal that prowls threw East Asia. The Arabika bean is what the cat eats and then using the bathroom. Then the famers harvest the bean the bean is harvested many in Indonesia, Sumatra, Java and Bali
In some countries this coffee is worth 100 dollars per pound. But online you can by the coffee for 80 dollars per pound. In Dak Lak Asia there are two famers who have over 300 wild Civets. These civets eat beef and of course the seeds. The famers collect the coffee seeds then ship then to the UK suppler.

In my point of view I think this animal is amazing. Because a digestive systems that can take the turn the seed into coffee. But I would not want to drink coffee that has been in a cat’s stomach. And the coffee probably after sitting on the ground for a long period of time it goes bad. And the taste of the changes depending on the roasting levels.


Heaven is for real
Heaven Is for real is a true story about a 4 year old boy who lives in Nebraska. Later into the book the Colton had to go into surgery. And while in the surgery he enters into heaven.  He said he say he had meet Jesus and a few his relatives. While in heaven he said he saw the doctor working on him and his dad praying in the waiting room

Colton’s parents did not know to believe him or not. But the evidence was very clear. He said he saw his sister and no one had told him about. And his grandfather how died 30 years before Colton was born. He told his parents details about his sister and his grandfather. He also said that how really big his Jesus

and his chair. And a horse that only Jesus could ride on. All of this happen when Colton was just three years old. And still today he tells the story about what he saw. This story was written by Colton dad.

Who- The American Museum of Natural History.
What – that is has a new butterfly room.
When – all ready happen
Where- New York city
 How – they build it.
 Why- to make their visitors happier.

Who – The American Museum of Natural History.
What- have a new frog area?
When-it’s already done.
Where- it is located in New York.
Why- to please all there wonderful visitors.

Who - The American Museum of Natural History.
What- has a inside the brain
When- this summer
 Where- in New York
Why- to show you how your brain works.

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