Monday, December 19, 2011

High coffee
One of the most expensive coffees in the world is known has Kopi Lawak. The coffee gets its name and taste form the Civet.  A civet is a nocturnal furry long tailed cat like animal that prowls threw East Asia. The Arabika bean is what the cat eats and then using the bathroom. Then the famers harvest the bean the bean is harvested many in Indonesia, Sumatra, Java and Bali
In some countries this coffee is worth 100 dollars per pound. But online you can by the coffee for 80 dollars per pound. In Dak Lak Asia there are two famers who have over 300 wild Civets. These civets eat beef and of course the seeds. The famers collect the coffee seeds then ship then to the UK suppler.

In my point of view I think this animal is amazing. Because a digestive systems that can take the turn the seed into coffee. But I would not want to drink coffee that has been in a cat’s stomach. And the coffee probably after sitting on the ground for a long period of time it goes bad. And the taste of the changes depending on the roasting levels.


Heaven is for real
Heaven Is for real is a true story about a 4 year old boy who lives in Nebraska. Later into the book the Colton had to go into surgery. And while in the surgery he enters into heaven.  He said he say he had meet Jesus and a few his relatives. While in heaven he said he saw the doctor working on him and his dad praying in the waiting room

Colton’s parents did not know to believe him or not. But the evidence was very clear. He said he saw his sister and no one had told him about. And his grandfather how died 30 years before Colton was born. He told his parents details about his sister and his grandfather. He also said that how really big his Jesus

and his chair. And a horse that only Jesus could ride on. All of this happen when Colton was just three years old. And still today he tells the story about what he saw. This story was written by Colton dad.

Who- The American Museum of Natural History.
What – that is has a new butterfly room.
When – all ready happen
Where- New York city
 How – they build it.
 Why- to make their visitors happier.

Who – The American Museum of Natural History.
What- have a new frog area?
When-it’s already done.
Where- it is located in New York.
Why- to please all there wonderful visitors.

Who - The American Museum of Natural History.
What- has a inside the brain
When- this summer
 Where- in New York
Why- to show you how your brain works.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

national geographic

Who? - Tiger, bears. Lions
What?- Tiger, bears. Lions
When? –this was about 1 mouth ago 
Where? – this happen in Ohio
How? – the owner set them free and the police had to kill them.
Why? – that was the only way because they are dangerous animals.

Who? - A spiny shark and a Giant pacific octopus
What? –The Octopus eats spiny.
When? -  don’t know
Where? – This happen in a huge tank.
How? By Suffocating the shark
Why? – The shark messed with the octopus and the animal got really mad.

What- goats
When-  1 year
Where- I don’t know
Who – goats
Why- scared

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Computer lab
I picked the article because I thought that it would be very fun. This article was about in South America that had got robbed by thieves. The thieves took the schools computer. When a South African television crew showed up to does a story on the break in, they found the Baton Roughens had stayed up all night putting the lab back together before leaving for home. St. Joseph Academy sent 24 laptops and tablets and then the township donated some computers. And know Africa has a computer lab.

Conner bueche
I picked this article because I like it. It was about how 17 years old wanted wanted people to get more involved and he says it starts with the children. He said that the children can make a difference. He also said there are plenty of clubs you can join like the Louisiana Youth Program. He strongly encourages you to go out and get involved with something you are passionate about. He said One day I will run forgovernorof Louisiana and this decision would not have happened had I not gotten involved with these programs.”

Tyrane Hardy

This was about 14 year old girl who wants teens to stay committed with their dreams. She also said if we put our dreams together we would be a more positive group of people. Also we can set an example a trend for other teens. And help them with their dreams

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blog Assignment #20 / America


The American Civil War started on 1861. The was a civil war fought in the United States of America. In that time president Lincoln was the President of the United States. 11 southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. And 25 states supported the federal government

They have a new wifi docking station that allowing you to have wifi everywhere you go. It has a new docking station that allows you to easily move it from one car to the next. With additional docking stations, you can easily add Internet to all of your vehicles And with expandable on-board memory, you can store and share files, movies and music... all in your car

Everything will be different.

Monday, October 24, 2011

assiment 18

Barack Obama was born on August 4 1961. He is the 44th President and was the first African American President. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii he also graduated from Columbia University and Harvard law school. Also he was the first President to be born in Hawaii. After four years living in New York Obama moved to Chicago to work as a community organizer. He worked for three years from June 1985 to May 1988 as director of the Developing Communities. Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamely Foundation has a community organizing institute in the summer of 1988.  Following high school Obama moved to Los Angeles in 1979, where he studied at Occidental College for two years. On February 18, 1981, he made his first public speech calling. In the summer of 1981, Obama traveled to Jakarta, Indonesia to visit his mother and sister Maya, and visited the families of Occidental College friends in India and Pakistan for three weeks.

Barack and Michelle Obama have two daughters: Malia Ann born on July 4, 1998, and Natasha known as Sasha born on June 10, 2001. They were both delivered by their parent’s friend Dr. Anita Blanchard. Who worked at University of Chicago medical center. Sasha is also the first White House resident who was born in the 21st century. While living in Chicago the Obama’s kept busy schedules as the reports soccer, dance and drama for Malia, gymnastics and tap for Sasha, piano and tennis for both. Also Obama made a speech that he would get his kids a puppy. This was very slow because Malia is allergic to pet dander. The Obama’s where looking for a labradoodle or a Portuguese water dog. On April 12 2009 the Obama’s got a dog. The dog was an adopted six week old Portuguese water dog has a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy. The dog was named Bo by Malia and Sasha.

President Obama attended occidental college from fall of 1979 to fall of 1981. Obama transferred to Columbia University. This school was and still is a private school. Also located in Eagle Rock California.

Has president of the United States president Obama was many things to do. He does very important papers. Also check hundreds if e mails a day that he has to check. Does very long boring work. And have extremely long meeting dealing with the United States. And still being part of his family. And one more thing dealing with 50 states and many other things to.
President Obama is the first African American president. Also president has several responsibilities that he has to do each and every day. Finally president Obama is a great president.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Barack Obama was born on August 4 1961. He is the 44th President and was the first African American President. He was on in Honolulu, Hawaii he also graduated from Columbia University and Harvard law school. Also he was the first President to be born in Hawaii. After four years living in New York Obama moved to Chicago to work as a community organizer. He worked for three years from June 1985 to May 1988 as director of the Developing Communities. Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation has a community organizing institute in the summer of 1988. He traveled for the first time to Europe for three weeks then to Kenya for five weeks where he met many of his relatives for the first time.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

assismet 15

Hey we are going to be talking about Monet. Monet was a famous French painter who created massive paintings. He was the second son of Claude Adolphe Monet and Louise Justine Aubrée Monet. On 20 May 1841 he was baptized in the local parish church. On 1 April 1851, Monet entered Le Havre secondary school of the arts. Locals knew him well for his charcoal caricatures which he would sell for ten to twenty coins. On January 28 1857 his mother died. At the age of sixteen he left school and went to live with his childless aunt Marie-Jeanne.

In June 1861, Monet joined the First Regiment of African Light Cavalry in Algeria for a seven-year choice. But two years later after he had got typhoid fever his aunt intervened to get him out of the army if he agreed to complete an art course at an art school. It is possible that the Dutch painter Johan Barthold Jongkind whom Monet knew could teach him. But he did not get with Johan Barthold Jongkind he got with Charles Grye. When Monet traveled to Paris to visit the Louvre, he witnessed painters copying from the old masters. Having brought his panting tools with him he would go and sit by a window and paint what he saw in his head. Monet was in Paris for several years and met other young painters who would become friends.

Monet had a gorgeous house. He also had plenty green foliage in the front of his house. Monet also has a colorful garden. The colors of the garden were from red to oranges with a unique stem. This color and quiet garden was very organized and was very neat. Monet also had a pond in the back of his house. This pond and several colorful water lilies in it the color of the lilies where from greens to whites with a little flower in the middle. Inclusion Monet was a great painter who had a big imagination. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

blog 14

Gorge Muller
Gorge Muller was born on 1805-1898. Gorge trusted and prayed to God for his every day needs. Gorge was a man with a lot of faith and prayed to God a lot. Gorge was an evangelist who founded orphanages in Bristol. He was born in Kroppenstaedt. He spent most of his life in Bristol a pastured at a church for over 66 years
This is a story that happen in Gorge Muller lifeaccording to Gorge .The children where all dressed and ready for school. But there is no food for them to eat the housemother took care of them at the orphanage told George. George asked her to take the 300 children into the dining room and have them sit at the tables. He thanked God for the food and waited. George knew God would provide food for the children as he always did. Within minutes, a baker knocked on the door. Mr. Mueller," he said, "last night I could not sleep. Somehow I knew that you would need bread this morning. I got up and baked three batches for you. And the baker bought in 3 batches of bread. That was an excellent miracle that Jesus did.
George Muller is important to me because he was a man who believed in God how everybody should. George was a man with a gigantic amount of wisdom in God. He also had been blessed by god numerous times. So if Gorge can asked god for things and get it we can to.
My thoughts on his live were that he had a blessed live.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

blog assiment 13

How Africans make milk this is a very awkward and strange procedure. The first thing they do is get a huge cow. The milk from cows is very useful for Africans. After they get a cow they begin milking the cow. Once they finished filling the bowl with milk. They separate the butter off the top of the milk this only takes a few minutes to do. After that they get a special stick they put it  against their head and head a begin rubbing their hands  together to stir the milk. After that, if you want it sweet they would put sugar in the milk.

Chores children do in Africa the first thing they do is sweep the yard with a short broom. After that she will throw the dirt in a nearby hole. After that they go to a nearby well and get water. They will tie a long rope to a bucket a drop it and pull it up, it is very heavy. After they finish they put the huge buckets on their heads and walk all the way back. And this is what children do in Africa before school.

What children do for their families in Africa. One girl went to the water well ever day to get her family water. They will use this water for cooking. The girl said it was very hard to balance the bucker with water in it on her head. She also said she raps a towel around her head for more balance. She also helps her mom cook. She washes the vegetables and mixes the rice with her hands. After a few minutes the meal is finally done.

Monday, October 3, 2011

blog assiment 12

Marie Antoinette was born in Austria; she was the daughter of Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, and Austrian Empress Maria Theresa. She was born on the same day as the famous earthquake of Lisbon. Marie also known has Mary Antoine.  She was the youngest daughter of Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, and Maria Theresa, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and ruler of the Habsburg dominions. Marie had five brothers brother. And she was a queen of France.

Marie Antoinette was known for saying ‘let them eat cake. The people on the other side of her gates where really poor and begging for food and water. Marie really did not care about them at all. While then peasants starved she was not that bad she helped feed the poor with her own money.  But it was too late to save the people. The French Revolution took everything from her.

Marie was an unpopular queen. Because she was a foreigner, an Austrian. This drew criticism from the village. And not a lot of people like her as the Queen.
My thought on her life was ok she had a decent life just like everybody else. But she lived in a huge house.